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Adair County Public Library

Search the Catalog

Some search basics

Click on the "Search Library Catalog" icon on the left side of the screen or choose the "Catalog" tab in the menu bar at  the top.

Choose "Adair County Public Library" under the "Library" tab to search ONLY at ACPL

Search ACPL

If you would like to search ALL Missouri Evergreen Catalogs to see what is available for borrowing from another library, be sure to choose "Missouri Evergreen" under "Library".

Searching the Catalog  

-The home page contains a single search box for you to enter search terms. You can get to the home page at any time by clicking the library name or logo in the upper-left, or you can enter a search anywhere you see a search box.

Search Options :

*You can select to search by: 
Keyword—finds the terms you enter anywhere in the entire record for an item, including title, author, subject, and other information. 
Title—finds the terms you enter in the title of an item.
Author—finds the terms you enter in the author of an item. 
Subject—finds the terms you enter in the subject of an item. Subjects are categories assigned to items according to the Library of Congress.
Series—finds the terms you enter in the title of a multi-part series. 

If you need help, ask one of our helpful staff members!